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Patient Outcomes

Our focus is on always achieving positive patient outcomes

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Patient care

At Peacocks PMG we are proud of our continuous commitment to quality care and an unconditional focus centred around the patient. Positive patient outcomes are always the most important part of our culture and defines our values and behaviours.

Our personalised care empowers patients by giving them more control and choice over how their care is planned and delivered.

Patient focus

We focus on individual needs, preferences and circumstances, ensuring that patients can choose the options that are best for them, combined with the highest standard of Clinical input for optimal treatment plans and outcomes.

Our approach, is always focused upon patient-centred care, it is a central component of Peacocks strategic delivery of care and dovetails seamlessly with  NHS Long Term Planning. By integrating various services across health, social care, public health and the community around the individual, our personalised care  improves patient outcomes and experiences.

This leads to the delivery of long term  well-being outcomes and greatly enhances the quality of care provided to patients within our care.

Nimble, Focussed and Ready

We Act Quickly

We Act Quickly

Solutions, Not Problems

We Listen

We Listen

We Learn

We Learn

We Improve

We Improve

We Deliver Optimal Care

We Deliver Optimal Care

Treat Patients As Individuals

Treat Patients As Individuals

Positive Patient Outcomes

Deliver Positive Patient Outcomes

Read our Case Studies

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