We're thrilled to announce that our adopted Humble Bee hive, lovingly cared for by Jordan Myers, has made it to the final 20 in a global photo contest!
This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of Humble Bee and a reflection of our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
By adopting this hive, we've not only contributed to the preservation of these vital pollinators but have also fostered a sense of community and environmental awareness within our organisation.
Your support is crucial in helping Humble Bee & Peacocks Medical Group claim the top spot. Please take a moment to cast your vote for our hive and help us bring home the win.
Here's how to vote:
1. Visit the voting page: http:// fr.surveymonkey.com/r/Favorite-photo-contest-24
2. Find Photo #7: Look for the image featuring our Humblee Bee hive. (Jordan Myers)
3. Cast Your Vote: Click the blue "Suiv" button to cast your vote.
Let's show the world the power of community and the importance of protecting our pollinators. Together, we can make a difference!